Tickets with patches which needs to be reworked (8 matches)

This tickets already contain patches but this patches are of no good quality and needs a rework.


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#2421 Patch which adds support to highlight occurences of pattern. reopened enhancement major Future Releases mcedit
#4258 Wrong subshell prompt parsing with fish 3.3.0 accepted defect major Future Releases mc-core
#4643 Stop faking current user uid/gid in extfs accepted defect major 4.8.34 mc-vfs
#1480 Home key behavior in editor assigned enhancement minor Future Releases mcedit
#2156 Run editor from viewer assigned enhancement minor Future Releases mcview
#2830 Bash subshell history not written on exit accepted defect minor Future Releases mc-core
#4072 mcedit anchored regex line matching inconsistencies accepted defect minor 4.8.34 mcedit
#2314 Freedesktop standard .desktop entry for Midnight Commander accepted enhancement trivial Future Releases mc-core
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